Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cross Training

Its funny how as we get older, our tastes and preferences change.  I used to hate cardio and love its the opposite.

I can't stand cross training.  I love running.  Giving up a day of running to cross train is painful, upsetting and well, just boring.  But as my recent injury has taught me, cross training is necessary.

And so, I am now using those days that I used to have to skip my runs to cross train.  This morning, I was so exhausted I could barely walk to the bathroom, never mind head out for a run.  However, the prospect of heading down the stairs to the mini gym in my living room was feasible.  I didn't have to bundle up, remember my ipod and gloves, or warm up the car.  I was able to get to "the gym" workout and be done in less than 30 minutes.  So while the activity in between still isn't my favorite, I'm learning to look on the positive side of things and find that cross training just might be my savior.

I also intend to cross train on days its miserably cold or rainy outside.  Not only am I adding in weights to my running workout schedule, I'm focusing on yoga again.  I have an awesome yoga video that I love and I set up my mat in the middle of the living room.  Not only will it improve my balance and flexibility, I'm hoping it will improve my focus and peace of mind.

I will write more later about meditation and how its changed my life since my injury.

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