Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Craft a Day~Beauty Products~Part Three

I've always wanted to make my own bath products and lately I've been experimenting with all sorts of cool things.  Some of these are old standbys for me and some are new endeavors.  I wish I had thought to take pictures while I was doing these things, but I was engrossed so I'm sharing the pictures I found on various craft sites.

The first thing is something I've done a lot over the years.  These are bath soaks and they are great for everyone, even those with jacuzzi tubs who can't use things with bubbles, etc.  They are super simple to make.  Mix 1 cup epsom salts with a little food coloring.  Any color will do, however, I used blue.  Put in a few drops of peppermint and mix.  Then form them into circular bath forms and let them dry.  You have to let them dry for a WHILE.  Longer than you expect.  Flip them over a few times if you can.  I bought the molds on Etsy but you can probably find them at a craft store as well.  The more molds you have the more you can make at once.  The one cup of epsom salts makes about two of the molds I have.

I also made lip gloss.  This type of gloss was super easy to make and took only a few minutes.  Kids would love this.  Take some Vaseline or some Alba non petroleum jelly and mix it with Crystal Light or Kool-Aid packets.  I bought specialty lip balm "pots" on Etsy.  Not only is this fast and fun, it tastes amazing!

I did make more traditional lip balm too.  I sourced everything from Etsy but now that I know what I need I could probably find things easier.  You mix four tea spoons of bees wax with four table spoons of sweet almond oil (you can also use coconut oil), sprinkle in a little coco butter and melt in a double boiler.  You can add some essential oils and even part of an old lipstick for color and you're done. Pour into the container of your choice and you're done!  Again, I used lip balm containers I bought on Etsy because they sealed well and I decorated with paper tape.

I made goat's milk soap bars and I was shocked at how easy they were.  Buy the soap base online (Etsy, Amazon) or even a craft store.  Melt in a double boiler, add some essential oils and food coloring and pour into molds.  I used a silicone mold made for baking, but it allowed them to cool quickly and then I could pop them out really easily.  I made lavender soaps (light purple) and peppermint soaps (pink) and both came out great.  They are really luxurious.  You can layer colors if you are more patient or even use glycerin so you have a clear base soap instead of a while base.

Finally, I made lotion bars.  Again, just mix all of this in a double boiler and then pour into molds.  (I really got my money's worth out of the silicone mold I bought!).  Melt a 1:1:1 ratio of vegetable shortening, canola oil and bees wax.  Add essential oils and pour into molds!  Super easy and really nice to use.  Just rub on skin!

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