Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Moving Out~Part Four

So I learned something very valuable during the move out and renovation....well I learned a lot of valuable things.  I figured I'd break it down into a list...because that's what organizers do :)

1.  Everything takes more time than you think it will.

2.  You can't help but depend on other people.  There is only so much you can get done along.

3.  Surround yourself with the things you use and love.  Everything else doesn't matter.

4.  Make your surroundings beautiful.  It makes all the difference in the world.

5.  Challenge yourself to learn a new skill.  You will feel so accomplished when you tackle it.

6.  Let go of excess.

7.  Let go of negativity.

8.  Take your time and be present.

9.  Make decisions slowly.

10.  Smile, no matter what happens.

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