Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Healthy Snacks

As I've discussed before I have to work really hard to keep my protein intake up and stop myself from eating lots of sugar snacks.  Like most people I love them.

However, I find that keeping healthy and healthier options on hand really helps me stay on track.  If I eat a really healthy meal and then have cookies in the house, chances are I will eat too many.

So I like to eat a lot of the following snacks and in many cases, I don't worry about the portion size.

Popcorn-I actually buy the corn still on the cob and pop it in a brown paper bag in the microwave.  I then sprinkle some chili powder on it or some kettle corn powder.

Edamame-I've talked about this before but I love it.  I buy it in bulk when Costco has it in stock.

Greek Yogurt-This is a tough one because it has a lot of sugar, but I like it as a sweet treat.

Pretzels-These are revolutionary by any means.  However, I love to dip them in hummus to make them healthier.  (Carrots in hummus are also awesome.)

Celery and peanut butter-This is a child hood throw back for me.  I love it.  Add raisons for a fun twist.  I used to call these "ants on a log" when I was growing up.

Smoothies-You can beat a smoothie on a hot day. My current favorite is OJ with frozen strawberries.  I add spirulina to everything to get some added health benefits.

Sushi-Its low cal, fun to eat and yummy.  I get a few orders of simple things after I grocery shop or for an afternoon snack.

Latte-Everyone makes fun of all of the Starbuck's adjectives.  However, a skinny latte has 16 grams of protein.  Yum

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